Nadja Sarell
Publication date
September 2024
Format info
32 pages, 3+

Mai’s Horribly Achy Arm

Main kamalan kipeä käsi

Kindergartner Mai’s emotions first came to life with the metaphorical tigers, and in the second book the unicorns appear! Mai books provide children with tangible and recognizable representation of feelings, which helps them to identify and articulate their own.

In the first Mai book, little Mai’s day is filled with disappointments. The tigers growl and multiply in synch with her upsets. However, a nice surprise turns Mai’s day around and – and remarkably, Mai’s tigers also begin to resemble ordinary cats — signalling the shift in her emotions. In the second Mai book, little Mai hurts her arm and ends up in hospital. While there, the unicorns come out to play. Of course they stay until Mai feels more like herself again. And once that happens, Mai’s arm also feels much better—it’s like magic!


Finnish edition tk
English translation of Book 1 set in lay-out


”From the illustrations, a child reads Mai’s emotions, mirrors them with their own, and is also given the words to be able to better articulate their own thoughts.” – ‘turusenkassu’ Literary Blog