Cara Knuutinen
Publication date
Format info
Picture book, 24pp

Toddler Days: Where’s the Cat?

Omppu osaa. Missä on kissa?

All toddlers learn something new every day and Ollie is no exception. New concepts blend effortlessly  into Ollie’s fun days of learning-on-the-go. Adding to the  joy of discovery is Ollie’s playful toy cat who loves to hide on the pages.


Meet Ollie, a curious little learner who discovers something new every day in the delightful Toddler Days picture book series.

In the first book of the series, readers accompany the cheerful Ollie through the day while unraveling the mysteries of opposites. But there’s more to the story—Ollie’s playful toy cat frolics on the pages, inviting young readers to join the search. Where’s the Cat, Ollie?

Through light-hearted storylines and cute illustrations, Toddler Days books cover familiar situations while blending in new concepts to be discovered. Ollie’s blue cuddly toy cat who hides on the pages adds an extra layer of excitement for young readers.



Finnish edition