Satu Rämö
Publication date
March 2023
Format info

Rósa & Björk

Rósa & Björk

Evil is often found close to home, but the closeness of people remains the best asset we have.

An unusual murder occurs in the remote fjords of Iceland. An influential local businessman is found shot dead on a ski trail. During the investigation into the murder, Detective Hildur Rúnarsdóttir and her Finnish partner Jakob Johanson, are faced with a difficult question. Is it wise to uncover every secret?

The traumas of Hildur’s childhood return as the mystery of the long-lost sisters, Rósa and Björk, begins to unfold. Jakob tries to keep a cool head in the middle of a difficult custody dispute with his ex-wife.


Rights sold

Czech (HarperCollins Czech, 3-book deal)
Danish (Gutkind, 3-book preempt)
Estonian (Eesti Raamat, 3-book deal)
French (Le Seuil, 3-book preempt)
German (Heyne, 3-book preempt)
Italian (Newton Compton, 3-book deal)
Norwegian (Bonnier Norsk, 3-book deal)
Polish (HarperCollins Polska, 3-book deal)
Slovak (Ikar)
Swedish (Forum, 3-book deal)
UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada (Bonnier Zaffre)

Prizes & Nominations

2024, Storytel Award winner
2023, Johtolanka Prize nominee
2023, Adlibris Award


‘…I truly admire Rämö’s ability to describe a tense, dangerous human relationship both in the dialogue and in the construction of a fast-paced scene. […] Rämö truly knocks the air out of the reader’s lungs.’ – Helsingin Sanomat newspaper, Finland

‘Thanks to the Icelandic mythology and the majestic landscape portrayals, the reader feels as if they have gone abroad for a while. And not just on any trip, but to the island of fairytales, to the hidden people, to the petrified children and mountain peaks shrouded in clouds. Mythology is fatefully intertwined with the denouement, and the ancient sagas take shape as the proud pillars of the narrative, like mute trolls in the misty mountains.’ – Etelä-Suomen Sanomat newspaper, Finland

‘… Rósa & Björk touches on the perfect. A five-star crime novel.’ – Aamulehti newspaper

‘The final words in Rósa & Björk will leave the reader thirsting for more. Rämö has all the makings of becoming a lasting star of Nordic crime fiction.’  Kansan Uutiset newspaper, Finland

Rósa & Björk successfully strikes a balance between the everyday routines and murder cases.’ – Turun Sanomat newspaper, Finland

‘Rämö knows how to propel the plotting so that the reader is surprised even in the final pages.’ Karjalainen newspaper, Finland

‘Rämö knows how to move the story long smoothly.’ – Kulttuuritoimitus magazine, Finland

‘Rämö’s Rósa & Björk (WSOY, 2023) has received an incredibly positive reception from readers and critics. The book rose to the top of both the print as well as audio- and e-book bestseller rankings making it the best-selling title for March.’ – Kirjakauppaliitto booksellers association, Finland

‘A polished, exquisite book that hooks the reader.’ – Lily magazine

‘Skillfully written.’ – Kirjaluotsi blog, Finland

4.5 out of 5 stars — Kirsi’s Book Club, Finland

‘I am absolutely thrilled to be bringing the Hildur series to the UK and to be working with the amazingly talented Satu. With her incredible characterisation and intricate storytelling, the Hildur series is set to be the next big thing in Nordic crime fiction’ – Isabella Boyne, acquiring editor, Bonnier Zaffe UK