Ruby & Ficelle and the Sassy Schoolgirl (4)

Slovenian rights to RUBY & FICELLE and the SASSY SCHOOLOGIRL sold! KUD Sodobnost International has acquired the Slovenian rights Sinikka & Tiin...
Slovenian rights to Sinikka and Tiina Nopola’s RUBY & FICELLE AND THE SASSY SCHOOLGIRL sold! KUD Sodobnost have acquired the Slovenian rights to Sinikka and Tiina Nopola's R...
Croatian rights to Sinikka and Tiina Nopola’s RUBY & FICELLE AND THE SASSY SCHOOLGIRL sold! IBIS GRAFIKA have acquired the Croatian rights to Sinikka and Tiina Nopola's RUB...
Ruby & Ficelle and the Sassy Schoolgirl Heinähattu, Vilttitossu ja ärhäkkä koululainen Ficelle's love of fishing makes her play a trick on Ruby and her class! Ruby h...