The fifth book in the award-winning, humorous yet most heartfelt six-part bestselling series about the adventures of a determined and brave fairy girl during the year that prepares Penny’s big heart for her very special destiny.
In the Windnest Woods, Springer, the miserable season between Winter and Spring, is ongoing. But no one in Penny’s family pays any heed to the bad weather, for fate has dealt them a blow that’s left them all reeling.
Regardless, Penny must find new wings for herself, as well as adapt to living in Grandma Henrietta’s manor. The old sprawling house is full of locked doors, covered mirrors, and mysterious inhabitants. The ghost of Lace Manor keeps Penny intrigued, as do the manor’s many secrets she is hoping to uncover. Penny’s increasingly tingly fingertips cause concern but they might finally unlock what the fate has in store for her.
Czech (Albatros)
Italian (Piemme)
Latvian (Zvaigzne ABC)
Polish (Nasza Księgarnia)
Russian (Polyandria)
Finnish editions (1-5)
English translation (1)
set in lay-out
Synopsis (1-5)
”… the flight of words and imagination is no less than that of the Harry Potter books!”— Minna Pyhälahti, Kotus magazine, Institute for the Languages of Finland