Penny Peanutheart (6)

Penny Peanutheart and the Ghost of Lace Manor Penni Pähkinäsydän ja pitsikartanon kummitus The fifth book in the award-winning, humorous yet most heartfelt six-part bestse...
‘Tremble, Harry Potter!’ — Penny Peanutheart is here to stay ‘Tremble, Harry Potter!’ suggests editor Minna Pyhälahti of The Institute f...
Italian rights sold to Cristal Snow’s & Kati Vuorento’s PENNY PEANUTHEART #1! Piemme just acquired Italian rights to author & fairy godmother Cristal Snow...
Penny Peanutheart: Tales from the Windnest Woods Penni Pähkinäsydän. Tarinoita Tuulenpesän metsästä Heart is wise when it's filled with stories! A mysterious journal fills Penny’...
Nasza Księgarnia just acquired the Polish rights to Cristal Snow’s & Kati Vuorento’s PENNY PEANUTHEART series! Nasza Księgarnia just acquired the Polish rights to Cristal Snow’s first two ...
Penny Peanutheart and the Curse of the Brute Bug Penni Pähkinäsydän ja mörkökuumeen kirous Would you help someone who always makes fun of you? Another heartfelt moment of ...