Timo Parvela
Pasi Pitkänen
Publication date
Format info
136 pages, B&W illustrations, age 7+

Pete, King of the Jungle

Pate, viidakon kuningas

What would you do if your best friend were in serious trouble?

You’d do your best to help, of course. But what if being “in trouble” actually meant being in the world’s oldest jungle? Would you go? To help your friend?

Well, Pete would and he will. Afterall, it’s his beloved dog Totti who’s stuck on a mysterious ship that’s headed towards the Borneo jungle. Luckily, Senja-the-Adventurer joins his rescue team. And she always keeps her cool – even in the toughest situations.

Like she did in the Mulu caves. When an orangutan sped up the rescue team’s search hunt and seven million bats watched from above with their beady eyes.

During their rescue operation, Pete and Senja work out who is destroying the jungle and they even manage to save the world. It’s all in a day’s work for Pete.


Finnish PDF

Series rights sold

German (Hanser)
Estonian (Ajakirjade)
Hungarian (Cerkabella)
Latvian (Zvaigzne ABC)
Polish (Widnokrag)

Pete books

Pete and Magasound, Tammi 2024 (Sweden)
Pete and the Space Games, Tammi 2023 (Space)
Pete and the Sunken City Tammi, Tammi 2022 (Australia)
Pete and the Alaskan Treasure, Tammi 2021 (Alaska)
Pete and the Savannah Heroes, Tammi 2020 (Tansania)
Pete and the Monster of Black Ness, Tammi 2019 (Scotland)
Pete, The King of the Jungle, Tammi 2018 (Columbia)
Pete’s Treasure Hunt, Tammi 2017 (Japan)
Pete’s Fishing Book, Tammi 2016 (Norway)
Pete’s Football Book, Tammi 2015
Pete’s blog, Tammi 2014