Ruby & FicelleHeinähattu ja VilttitossuIf children are bored at home, surely there is no law saying that they’d have ...
Ruby & Ficelle: The ChickenHeinähattu, Vilttitossu ja kanaA winged pet plays havoc with the family pecking order!
Ruby is away at a cam...
Ruby & Ficelle and the Silly AngelHeinähattu, Vilttitossa ja hupsu enkeliFicelle suggests that their neighbour Miss Halise Alibullen should play angels w...
Ruby & Ficelle and Baldy BobHeinähattu, Vilttitossu ja Kalju-KoponenEveryone is looking out for Baldy Bob, the mean pigtail-cutting thief!
Ruby & Ficelle and the Sassy SchoolgirlHeinähattu, Vilttitossu ja ärhäkkä koululainenFicelle's love of fishing makes her play a trick on Ruby and her class!
Ruby h...
Ruby & Ficelle and the Annoying PestHeinähattu, Vilttitossa ja Littoisten riiviöWho is the family favorite and, more importantly, who is the annoying pest in th...
Ruby & Ficelle and Big ElsaHeinähattu, Vilttitossu ja iso ElsaIt’s time for Ficelle to start school.
Her parents hope for her to turn in...
Ruby & Ficelle as PoetsHeinähattu ja Vilttitossu runoilijoinaRuby and Ficelle’s mother enrolls her daughters in a poetry competition, hopin...
Ruby & Ficelle and the Arty NeighboursHeinähattu, Vilttitossu ja Rubensin veljeksetThe family are off to the countryside for a holiday!
The two artists staying ...
Ruby & Ficelle and the Christmas GiftHeinähattu, Vilttitossu ja jouluvintiöChristmas is only a week away and Ficelle can't stop worrying about whether she ...