Mika Waltari (55)

Rights to Mika Waltari’s THE EGYPTIAN acquired by Iztok-Zapad in Bulgaria! Bulgarian rights to Mika Waltari's THE EGYPTIAN (Sinuhe egyptiläinen, WSOY 194...
Varrak buys Estonian rights to Waltari’s YOUNG JOHANNES! Estonian rights sold to Mika Waltari's YOUNG JOHANNES (Nuori Johannes, WSOY 198...
Polish rights to Mika Waltari’s murder mysteries sold to Heraclon! Polish rights to Mika Waltari's much-loved murder mysteries were just acquired ...
Mika Waltari’s THE EGYPTIAN sold to Apriori in Ukraine! Ukrainian rights to Mika Waltari's magnum opus THE EGYPTIAN (Sinuhe egyptiläine...
Romanian rights sold to Waltari’s novellas A STRANGER CAME TO THE FARM and THE EPILOGUE! Polirom recently acquired Romanian rights to Waltari’s novella A STRANGER CAME...
Ukrainian publisher Apriori acquired the rights to Mika Waltari’s THE SECRET OF THE KINGDOM! Ukrainian publisher Apriori acquired the rights to Mika Waltari’s THE SECRET O...
Italian rights to Mika Waltari’s novella GOLDILOCKS sold to Vocifuoriscena! Italian rights to Mika Waltari’s novella Goldilocks (Kultakutri, 1946) have b...
Publisher Polirom has acquired the Romanian rights to Mika Waltari’s fairytale THE CHINESE CAT Publisher Polirom has acquired the Romanian rights to Mika Waltari’s fairytale...
Slovak rights to Waltari’s THE ROMAN sold to publisher Petrus Slovak publisher Petrus acquired the rights to Mika Waltari’s THE ROMAN (Ihm...
Jensen og Dalgaard acquires Danish rights to 4 Mika Waltari novellas! Danish publisher Jensen og Dalgaard just acquired four novellas by Mika Waltari:...
Vietnamese rights to THE EGYPTIAN by Mika Waltari sold to First News! The Vietnamese rights to THE EGYPTIAN by Mika Waltari (WSOY, 1945) have been sol...
Czech audio rights of Mika Waltari’s THE SECRET OF THE KINGDOM have sold to OneHotBook! The Czech audio rights to Mika Waltari's The Secret of the Kingdom (WSOY, 1959...
Czech rights to Mika Waltari’s THE DARK ANGEL have sold to Vysehrad! Vysehrad have bought the Czech rights to The Dark Angel (WSOY, 1952) by Mika Wal...
Czech rights to Mika Waltari’s THE ROMAN have sold to Vysehrad! Vysehrad have bought the Czech rights to The Roman (WSOY, 1964) by Mika Waltari!...
Estonian rights to Mika Waltari’s THE WANDERER sold to Varrak! Varrak have bought the Estonian rights to Mikael Hakim's THE WANDERER (WSOY, 194...
The Truth About Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Totuus Virosta Latviasta ja Liettuasta Originally published in Sweden by Förlaget Baltikum during the Continuation War...
Czech rights to Mika Waltari’s THE TRUTH ABOUT ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA have been sold to Masaryk University!! Czech rights to Mika Waltari's THE TRUTH ABOUT ESTONIA, LATVIA AND LITHUANIA (WS...
Greek rights to Mika Waltari’s YOUNG JOHANNES have been sold to Kalendis! Greek rights to YOUNG JOHANNES (WSOY, 1981) by Mika Waltari have been sold to Ka...
Brazilian Portuguese rights to Mika Waltari’s THE ROMAN sold! Brazilian Portuguese rights to Mika Waltari’s THE ROMAN (Ihmiskunnan vihollise...
Brazilian Portuguese rights to Mika Waltari’s THE ETRUSCAN sold! Brazilian Portuguese rights to Mika Waltari's THE ETRUSCAN (Turms kuolematon, WS...
Five Aces and Other Stories Viisi ässää ja muita kertomuksia A stunning collection of Mika Waltari's stories that were originally published i...
The Locked Box and Other Stories Lukittu laatikko ja muita kertomuksia A selection of short stories published by Mika Waltari from 1926-1957. The Lo...
From Father to Son: The Helsinki Trilogy Isästä poikaan Mika Waltari's trilogy about Helsinki. Waltari was a third generation Helsink...
The Wonderful Joosef Ihmeellinen Joosef A summer page-turner from Finland's Mika Waltari. It's spring. University stu...
Fine van Brooklyn Fine van Brooklyn Mika Waltari's classic novella about a Finnish scientist who looks back on a for...
The Tongue of Fire Feliks onnellinen One of the best religious novels in the history of Finnish literature. Shy of...
Journey to Istanbul Lähdin Istanbuliin Mika Waltari's infamous travelogue about his 1948 journey to Istanbul from a pos...
Love in Times of War Rakkaus vainoaikaan Set in 1940-1941 during the truce between Finland and the Soviet Union, Love in...
Never a Tomorrow Ei koskaan huomispäivää A Spring in the Shadow of the World War II. Captain is a thrill-seeking for...
Catherine Kaarina Maununtytär Set in the late 1500s, Catherine tells the lively and turbulent life story of Ki...
City of Sorrow and Joy Surun ja ilon kaupunki Helsinki residents from different social classes mix in this smart and thought-p...
Do You Want to Be a Writer? Aiotko kirjailijaksi? The great Mika Waltari's guidebook to becoming an author. In this non-fiction...
The Orange Pip Appelsiininsiemen A heart-breaking novel about one family's eternal search for happiness. The O...
A Lonely Man’s Train Yksinäisen miehen juna Mika Waltari's infamous travelogue documenting his 1929 return trip from Helsink...
Russian rights to Mika Waltari’s THE EGYPTIAN sold Russian rights to Mika Waltari's masterpiece THE EGYPTIAN (Sinuhe egyptiläinen,...
Brazilian Portuguese rights for Mika Waltari’s THE EGYPTIAN sold Brazilian Portuguese rights for Mika Waltaris' greatest classic THE EGYTPIAN (Si...
Mika Waltari’s THE SECRET OF THE KINGDOM sold to the Czech Republic Czech language rights to Mika Waltari's distinguished, magnificent novel THE SEC...
Newsstand rights to Mika Waltari’s THE ETRUSCAN sold to RCS Media Mika Waltari's great classic THE ETRUSCAN (Turms, kuolematon; WSOY 1955) will be...
Christmas Stories Joulutarinoita A collection of 57 Christmas stories from Finland’s Mika Waltari. Throughou...
A Nail Merchant at Nightfall Neljä päivänlaskua A metafictional novel about a novel. The nail merchant has given up his dul...
Mika Waltari’s Young Johannes sold to Romania Romanian publishing rights to Mika Waltari's YOUNG JOHANNES (Nuori Johannes, WSO...
A Stranger Came to the Farm Vieras mies tuli taloon A profoundly tragic tale about love, resentment and alcohol abuse Aaltonen ar...
Mika Waltari’s THIS KIND OF THING NEVER HAPPENS sold to Spain Spanish language publishing rights to Mika Waltari's novella THIS KIND OF THING ...
The Grand Illusion Suuri illusioni The debut novel of Finnish writer extraordinaire Mika Waltari Set in the 1920...
Moonscape and Other Stories Kuun maisema An unmissable collection of short stories by Finland's Mika Waltari Six short...
This Kind of Thing Never Happens Sellaista ei tapahdu Finland’s answer to Hitchcock’s The Lady Vanishes This Kind of Thing Neve...
Who Murdered Mrs. Skrof? Kuka murhasi rouva Skrofin? A classic murder mystery from Finland’s much-loved Mika Waltari. Inspector ...
It is Written in the Stars, Inspector Palmu! Tähdet kertovat komisario Palmu The final instalment of the Inspector Palmu crime trilogyMiss Kaino Pelkonen is ...
Young Johannes Nuori Johannes Mika Waltari’s astonishing prequel to The Dark AngelPublished posthumously, Yo...
The Roman Ihmiskunnan viholliset Exploring the early days of Christianity, this is the searing sequel to The Secr...
The Etruscan Turms kuolematon A historical and philosophical novel set during Rome’s Villanovian and Classic...
The Adventurer Mikael Karvajalka A breathtaking tale of adventure, romance and intrigue Set in 16th century medie...
The Wanderer Mikael Hakim The winner of Finland's State Prize for Literature 1950.The Wanderer continues t...
The Secret of the Kingdom Valtakunnan salaisuus A magnificent novel set in the 40 days after Jesus Christ rose from the deadSet ...
The Egyptian Sinuhe egyptiläinen The spell-binding first major novel set in ancient Egypt.Set in Ancient Egypt du...